A close-up shot of hands clasped together, reflecting the supportive partnership between founders and their financial team at Accountfully.

Startup and Tech Founders

While every startup founder begins with the dream of making money, few launch with any expertise in handling that income once it is generated. We regularly chat with startup founders who have great ideas, unstoppable talent, and dedicated investors but lack the necessary financial infrastructure to keep the business moving forward. We work with these founders as their outsourced CFO, a resource to them throughout the pitch process and beyond.

Accountfully's skilled accountants specialize in outsourced CFO services, supporting startups and tech founders through the pitch process and beyond.
Most of our Tech Startup clients are Innovative apps

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A close-up shot of hands clasped together, reflecting the supportive partnership between founders and their financial team at Accountfully.

As you work with investors to get funding, we work behind the scenes as your team.

We provide you real-time access to updated financials, we report on key performance indicators, we communicate with investors on their behalf, and we have ongoing conversations about budgeting and growth.

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