Accountfully Life

Employee Spotlight: Tyler Rickman

Employee Spotlight: Tyler Rickman

Accountfully believes people are greater than numbers, and we are on a mission to prove it.  We enjoy featuring our eclectic employees with a spotlight that shows the world a bit more about them behind the outsourced accounting scenes.

If Dungeons and Dragons is your thing, Tyler is your Dungeon Master. He is in the Accountfully Dungeons and Dragons group and leads the team to after-hours wins (more on that below). Fantasy games aside, Tyler was introduced to an accounting career through the influence of his mother and his love of analytical tasks.  Tyler shares about his mother, “She worked in accounting (among many other hats she wore) at her job when I was a kid.  I would help her file paperwork during the summer!”

Once he decided he was to pursue the art of numbers, Tyler earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Accountancy from Walsh College in Troy, Michigan and was off to the accountant races.  Since 2022, Tyler has been working for Accountfully remotely from Michigan as a Senior Accountant. 

Dungeon Master Duties and Accountfully’s D&D Team

Back to the Dungeons and Dragons note.  Accountfully has a small, but mighty D&D Team that plays together bi-weekly.  Since their formation in 2022, the group has done some amazing things in D&D land.  Tyler shared :

"They have successfully helped a farmer save his sheep, unraveled a local mystery involving a missing child (who is now a vampire, long story there), and defended the local village from goblins.” 

Talk about a unique facet of company culture.

The graphic shows the Accountfully D&D Team. Tyler is in the back left/in purple.

The group has just wrapped its first major campaign, and is currently participating in a contest, a series of competitions challenging a range of skills; jousting, archery, axe throwing, bluffing, and storytelling, and the winner will be announced this Sunday. 

First Job

Not many Accountants can say they were once known as a “Bagel Babe”, but then again, there’s no one like Tyler.

“Bagging groceries and grabbing carts at Neiman's Market in my hometown.  I ended up working as a cashier, meat clerk, and ‘Bagel Babe’ during my time there.”

Favorite Way to Unwind at the End of the Day

Remote working couples, take note! Tyler has a really great end-of-day ritual.

"My wife and I (who also works remotely in accounting) typically let our dogs out together and talk about our day.  Honestly, it sounds a little lame but it's a nice way to shift from work to home mode!"

Proud Work Accomplishment

When asked the classic question of which work-related accomplishment are you most proud of, Tyler heads straight to impactful collaboration.

“I would say my proudest work accomplishment is being a person others come to when they have questions.  I love being able to help my fellow accountants deal with otherwise frustrating issues quickly and cleanly.”

Favorite Part About Working at Accountfully

When it comes to working across a remote team of accountants, Tyler really enjoys the eclectic bunch of talented colleagues he is exposed to regularly. 

“There's a lot I like; I really enjoy working with a huge variety of clients in different fields and from different backgrounds.  It's really unique to be able to work remotely and connect with so many other people I would 100% have never met!”

Turns out, the team is a fun one at the end of the day.  Tyler continues:

“Our team at Accountfully is literally the most fun group of people I have ever worked with; I genuinely connect with so many of my co-workers and look forward to chatting with them!”

Go-to Karaoke Song

When Karaoke night comes to call, Tyler will need to channel his favorite The Office star and will gladly sing both parts of the duet "Islands In The Stream ,'' by Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers.  “I'll do either part, Michael Scott style,” he says.


“I've had a few.  Rick is the main one now!  My wife started that because of my last name.”

Where Tyler is Going In a Time Machine

Once Tyler has assessed the danger-level of the go-back-in-time adventure, he is going WAY back.  

“If I could go back in time, I'd probably like to go all the way back and see what's up with the dinosaurs.  I'm assuming this trip is safe?”

Tyler As An Animal

Like many before him, the thought of being a bird sounds like a good plan.  

“I'd probably go with an owl.  I'm a night owl myself so that would work to my benefit, plus flying sounds nice too.”

• • •

If you are interested in working alongside team members like Tyler, you are in luck!  We are always seeking Accounting professionals in various roles.  Take a peek at our careers page for all of the details and to learn more about our workplace perks.

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